Yen-Ching Karen Chen, Professor
Lab of Geriatric and Genomic Epidemiology Research
Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
College of Public Health, National Taiwan University

Our lab focuses on research in the elderly. Currently, we have projects on cognitive function, dementia, frailty, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis in Taiwanese elders (supported by Ministry of science and Technology and international) and international collaborative projects on prostate cancer. Our lab includes clinicians, graduate and undergraduate students. We also have extensive collaboration with clinicians of different specialties (geriatrics, neurology, gastroenterology, ophthalmology and nephrology) and experts from multidisplines (biostatistics, psychology, nutrition, metablome, and spatiotemporal environment). The goals of our lab is to
- Explore how clinical, genetic or environmental factors and lifestyle affect the risk of geriatric-related diseases.
- Research focus: dementia, cognition, frailty, sarcopenia, osteoporosis.
- Explore the health status of older adults based on a long-term cohort study to predict geriatric diseases in the preclinical phase.